Tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs)

The Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) have been introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing in England to assess how well landlords are doing in providing good quality homes and services.

The measures focus on five key themes:

  1. Keeping properties in good repair;
  2. Maintaining building safety;
  3. Respectful and helpful engagement;
  4. Effective handling of complaints;
  5. Responsible neighbourhood management

There are 22 measures, 12 of these measures come directly from one of our customer feedback surveys, 10 come from information we hold in our systems on our operational activity.

These measures have been designed to drive up standards and improve the quality of social housing by ensuring housing providers are accountable for the services delivered to customers.

What do our results tell us?

We have been monitoring our performance on similar measures for a number of years, which helps us to understand what matters most to our customers and influences what goes into our improvement plans. With TSMs now being a regulatory requirement for all social landlords, we will now be able to compare our performance to others. During the second year of TSMs collection we will also be able to share further details around how trends in performance change year on year. You can find these results here, together with a summary of our improvement priorities.

Our ongoing survey

Riverside runs an ongoing perception survey every month to understand how customers feel about the services we provide. Within this survey we capture your responses on the Tenant Satisfaction Measures alongside some additional measures that we think are also important.

Before the TSMs framework was introduced, we were already conducting regular customer feedback surveys to hear how we’re performing from our customers’ perspective.

The first year of formal TSMs data collection started 1st April 2023, and our last published results report on the full year (April 2023 – March 2024).

This ongoing survey is carried out by our research partner, IFF Research. They are very experienced in running these surveys on behalf of landlords. They contact customers by phone or by email to ask the questions below. Customers will be chosen at random to take part in the survey.

Not all Riverside customers are included within the TSMs – Leaseholders are not part of the TSMs and as this is the English Regulator, our Scottish customers are also not included here.

This feedback is used to drive our improvement plans, influence decision making and enable our customers to check in on our performance.

Your opinions matter to us. We dedicate time to reviewing your comments to understand how you feel and what we need to do differently. Where customers respond with dissatisfaction we aim to follow up directly so we can put things right.

How we’re performing on TSMs

The results below show our performance for the financial year 2023/24. These results show our combined Group performance for England (including former One Housing Group customers) but excludes Riverside Scotland with separate regulations governing performance reporting in Scotland.

The large figure in each section shows our overall performance number. Below them are figures for Low Cost Rental Accommodation (LCRA) and Low cost Home Ownership (LCHO) properties. To be clear on the scope of those properties LCRA includes results for all social housing, supported housing and retirement living properties. LCHO includes results for all Home Ownership properties, except leasehold.

Overall satisfaction with the service provided by us... 65.3%

LCRA – 68.0%
LCHO – 33.3%

Keeping properties in good repair

70.9% (Based on LCRA only)

Satisfied with the time taken to complete your repair

67.2% (Based on LCRA only)

Satisfied the home we provide is well maintained

67.6% (Based on LCRA only)

Homes that meet the decent homes standard

99.9% (Based on LCRA only)

Percentage of repairs completed within target timescales

86.3% (Based on LCRA only)

Percentage of repairs completed within target timescales

Maintaining building safety

74.9% (LCRA – 76.2% / LCHO – 57.6%)

Satisfied your home is safe

98.5% (LCRA – 98.6% / LCHO – 88.2%)

Gas safety checks

99.0% (LCRA – 99.0% / LCHO – 98.4%)

Fire safety checks

99.2% (LCRA – 99.3% / LCHO – 93.2%)

Asbestos safety checks

99.9% (LCRA – 99.9% / LCHO – 100%)

Water safety checks

95.1% (LCRA – 95.9% / LCHO – 89.4%)

Life safety checks

Respectful and helpful engagement

55.7% (LCRA – 58.2% / LCHO – 23.9%)

Satisfied we listen to your views and act on them

65.7% (LCRA – 67.8% / LCHO – 40.4%)

Satisfied we keep you informed on things that matter to you

70.6% (LCRA – 72.7% / LCHO – 43.6%)

Agreement we treat customers fairly & with respect

Effective handling of complaints

33.5% (LCRA – 35.2% / LCHO – 16.0%)

Satisfied with our approach to handling complaints

126 (LCRA – 128.2 / LCHO – 100.4)

Number of complaints received relative to the size of us as a Landlord* - Stage 1

18.6 (LCRA – 18.4 / LCHO – 21.2)

Number of complaints received relative to the size of us as a Landlord* - Stage 2

77.8% (LCRA – 77.6% / LCHO – 80.3%)

Complaints responded to within handling code timescales - Stage 1

76.7% (LCRA – 75.5% / LCHO – 88.8%)

Complaints responded to within handling code timescales - Stage 2

Responsible neighbourhood management

60.6% (LCRA – 62.6% / LCHO – 41.1%)

Satisfied we keep communal areas clean & well maintained

56.2% (LCRA – 58.3% / LCHO – 29.9%)

Satisfied we make positive contributions to neighbourhoods

55.4% (LCRA – 57.5% / LCHO – 25.4%)

Satisfied with our handling of anti social behaviour

52.3 (LCRA – 55.1 / LCHO – 20.2)

Number of ASB cases relative to size of our company*

0.6 (LCRA – 0.6 / LCHO – 0.0)

Number of ASB cases that involve hate incidents*

*calculated as the number of complaints or ASB cases per 1,000 homes.

Notes: To improve how we deal with ASB we moved all Riverside ASB case management into a new system in May 2023.
Therefore our performance on ASB doesn’t cover a full year but only the period from 23 May 2023 to 31 March 2024

We also report our performance on a separate set of key metrics each quarter, which were agreed with customers as the metrics which matter most to them. This includes a summary of the actions we are taking to drive improvement. Unlike the TSMs, these scores include feedback from our customers in Scotland and our Leasehold customers too, and as such generate different scores.