Kelson House, Dagmar Court, Halyard House and Talia House

We are currently working with 317 residents from Kelson House, Dagmar Court, Halyard House and Talia House to consider the possibility of regeneration.

What has happened so far?

In 2017

In 2017 we carried out an independent stock condition survey on all our properties on the Isle of Dogs. We also looked at our repair’s records, as well as our history of property related complaints. We used this information to identify some areas on the Isle of Dogs that could benefit from regeneration.

In 2018

The survey, published in February 2018, identified long-standing maintenance issues with Kelson House, as well as with some of the neighbouring blocks.

In 2020

The stock condition survey led to building safety works, such as replacing windows and front doors, being carried out to Kelson House in 2019-2020.

In July and August 2020, we conducted a telephone survey with residents of Kelson House to find out whether residents would be in favour of considering regeneration options for the future of their estate and get an idea of the positive and negative aspects of living in the block.

Out of 145 households living at Kelson House, 110 completed the phone survey; 95% of the people we spoke with supported us considering regeneration in consultation with the residents through an option appraisal.

Around that time, we received feedback from residents living in the neighbouring blocks asking us to include their blocks in any regeneration discussions.

You can download here Kelson House’s feedback summary report from December 2020.

In 2022

March 2022

To gain a better understanding of the views within the community around the potential regeneration of the estate, we carried out a digital survey through community engagement platform Give My View.

Out of 320 households on the estate, we received 299 unique responses. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who participated and provided their feedback.

Answering to the question ‘Should One Housing consider the regeneration of the four blocks on the estate’, 89% of the respondents said they supported the regeneration of at least one building. With these positive responses, we can now move forward and work with you to look at options for the future of your estate.

You can view here the survey results in our update to residents from April 2022.

July 2022

Residents have appointed a Steering Group made of tenants and leaseholders from across the estate. All members are volunteers, and their involvement will ensure residents are at the heart of any possible regeneration. The group held its first meeting at the end of July 2022.

What is happening next?

We are in currently working with the Resident Steering Group to appoint consultants to help us with this project, this will include an Independent Resident Advisor.

Once they have been appointed, we will start consulting with residents across all four blocks on possible regeneration options. We expect this to begin in the autumn of 2022.

Within the coming weeks Monica and Sam will be conducting the “Getting to know you” surveys.

Useful downloads

December 2020 Kelson House resident Report

April 2022 newsletter

July 2022 RSG Minutes

August 2022 RSG Minutes


Samuda project website

Contact Us

We are always happy to hear from you and to answer any questions you may have. For more information, please email the project team: