Tenant and Residents’ Associations (TRAs)

A TRA is a formal group of local people who come together to improve their local community.

There are over 25 active tenant and residents' associations (TRAs) that are supported by us. We can tell you about your nearest TRA or you can set up your own association.

What do TRAs do?

TRAs increase a sense of belonging and pride and can represent your community. Their work includes:

  • making sure that residents have a voice and an opportunity to share their views
  • keeping residents informed about issues that affect their local area
  • organising neighbourhood events and activities
  • discussing service improvements and priorities with One Housing on a regular basis.

Find your nearest TRA

We can tell you if there is a TRA near you.

Call us on 0300 123 9966 or email us at: residentengagements@riverside.org.uk.

How to set up a TRA

TRAs can be set up where 10 or more residents want to get organised and promote initiatives in their community in a recognised and formal way. It’s a simple process to get started and we will help you with advice, support and guidance.

We will help you to:

  • bring together a meeting of your community to elect a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer
  • agree a constitution
  • set up a bank account.

Once these formalities and a recognition agreement are in place, we will fund the running of your TRA up to £800.

Alternatives to TRAs

TRAs can be quite formal in the way they work. If you do not wish to have the formality of a TRA, but want to play a role in your community, then we can work with you to set up a community group.

Set up a TRA

Download our toolkit, call us on 0300 123 9966 or email us at: residentengagements@riverside.org.uk.

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