Finding a new home

If you have an assured or secure tenancy and live in a One Housing or Riverside home and need to move, you can register for a transfer to another home with either landlord.

Transfer – you can apply to transfer to another Riverside or One Housing home by registering on the Home Connections website. Your application will be placed into a priority band depending on your circumstances. Once your application has been approved, you will be able to bid through the website for any properties that your application has been approved for regardless of your landlord.

Transfer application form

Mutual exchange – you can register to swap your home with another social housing tenant by registering at and Once you have found someone to move with you, will need to complete an application form and get landlord’s permission before you move. Please note that you when you swap homes with someone else, you will be accepting the other property in the condition it is in and will take on any repairs that the outgoing tenant was responsible for.

Mutual exchange form

Management move – if you are experiencing racial, sexual, homophobic or religious harassment or unable to live safely in your home due to domestic abuse, you can apply for a management move. If awarded, you will be given a high priority to enable you to move quicker.

Management move form

Medical priority – if you have a medical condition that is being worse by your current home you can apply for medical priority. We may need medical confirmation on your symptoms, treatment and prognosis as part of the assessment and you may be offered an adaptation that will enable you to stay in your existing home if this is more appropriate. Please note that medical priority is not awarded based on how serious your medical condition is, but how your medical condition is affected by where you live.

Local authority – you may be able to register with your local council depending on your housing need.  Each council has different rules for who can go on their waiting list and how priority is awarded. Those on the council’s waiting list can apply for any properties that become available. This will include housing association homes. Please check for your local council’s website.

Housing moves – this is a scheme allowing tenants living in London to move to another London borough if they are downsizing, need to move for work or training, are overcrowded or have caring responsibilities. You can register on the website

Seaside and Country Homes – if you are aged over 55 years and would like to move outside of London you can register to move to a bungalow or flat in a seaside or countryside location by registering on the website.

If you have any questions about moving home, you can email us at

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