One Housing and Riverside Group Partnership

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Our story so far

At the start of December 2021, Riverside and One Housing entered a new era, forming a new partnership with the aim of becoming a single, merged organisation.

Now, following extensive customer consultation and a huge amount of hard work by colleagues from both organisations, that has now become a reality with the completion of the final legal steps to merge our two organisations on 31 March 2023.

While our legal merger is now complete, there is still a lot of work to do to bring our services together, so, for now, we will continue to use ‘One Housing, part of Riverside’ as a trading name when dealing with our residents.

You will also continue to use the same One Housing website, customer service centre and will see no initial change to the services you have received in the past.

Likewise, for Riverside customers, there will be no changes in the immediate future.

Behind the scenes though we’ll be working to create one fully integrated organisation– one number, one website and, in time, consistent services for all customers.

We’ll make announcements on exactly how we’ll do that throughout 2023 and 2024.

If you have a question about the process, please contact us in the usual way.

The history of our partnership with the Riverside Group

A lot has happened since we first announced our partnership with the Riverside Group.

You can look back on what has happened and check out all the documents and communications we’ve sent to residents on this page.

  • June and July 2021 – We first announced plans to form a complementary partnership, providing further detail to residents in print and by email a few days later.
  • September 2021 – We launched a consultation for all residents on the proposed partnership, including making pledges to customers, mailing out this pack, an explanatory letter and survey. As well as mailing this to all customers, we promoted the survey extensively on our website, on social media and in our Resident Newsletter.
  • October 2021 – We announced the results of the consultation.
  • December 2021 – Following the announcement of the results, we announced the One Housing Group had officially become part of The Riverside Group as a subsidiary both on our website and direct to customers by email and in print.
  • February 2022 – We provided an update on the partnership in our Resident Newsletter. Here, we explained that a Customer Task and Finish Group had been formed, made up of 12 customers from across the two organisations, to ensure customers were at the heart of the everything we do going forwards.
  • May 2022 – We sent out a detailed newsletter to residents in email and print updating residents on a range of issues.
  • July 2022 – In our Resident Newsletter, we launched our Helping Hand Fund (£500K) and Community Fund (£250K). We also provided a further update on tackling moisture in homes.
  • October 2022 – We provided pre-winter guidance to residents to support with the Cost-of-Living challenges around energy, issues with moisture in homes and the support that is available and explaining the additional investment we’ve made as a result of the partnership in these issues.
  • December 2022 – We sent out our winter newsletter. In the newsletter, we provided a further update on the Cost-of-Living crisis support which is funded thanks to the partnership and also with it sent out a standalone four page annual report specifically about the partnership. In that report, we provided an update on the pledges we’ve made to customers as well as giving the customer Task and Finish Group a page to add their views on progress so far. Finally, we also announced that we would be bringing forward the legal part of the merger, known as the “Transfer of Engagements” and consulting residents on finalising a full legal integration of the two organisations by April 2024.
  • January 2023 – In January, the Transfer of Engagements process began with a consultation.
  • February 2023 – We announced the results of that consultation and they were presented to the Boards of both organisations for a final decision, as well as the shareholders of One Housing.
  • March 2023 – At the end of March, following from the Financial Conduct Authority, the Transfer of Engagements was completed, effectively finalising the legal aspects of the merger and creating one single organisation.
  • April 2024 – At the beginning of April, we sent out our annual update to customers on the progress of the integration with One Housing, including a letter from our Group Chief Executive, Carol Matthews, as well as an update on our progress against the pledges we made to you as part of the integration agreement.

For any questions around the merger, please contact us in the usual way.